Thursday, February 18, 2010


God for me is eveyone who lives in the heaven...or in other words everyone who believes in thinking/believing and doing good deeds...probably called 'Dev's'
what is the opposite of God??
(There is apparently a big debade on this as there is a set of people believing that God has no opposite!These are probably the optimistic set of people)
For the time being i'll consider the opposite of heaven i.e hell...
for me, all those who think/believe and do bad things are not god...probably 'Danavas'

Both Heaven and hell co-exist at the same time at the same place what we call as earth...
If you think will do good and ultimately you will experience 'heaven'

If you think will do bad...and ultimately experience hell...

Life is all about 'experience'...
So it is important ro make the 'right choices' in life...

What is religion then...
For me, it is simply 'a forum'...wherein you try to understand 'GOD' i.e all that is good and condemn the 'danavas'...i.e all that is bad...

I am a Hindu...
Hinduism, for me it is not a is perhaps the most creative of all the various 'forums' to understand what is good and what is bad...

The basis for hinduism are the epics and books which contain the accumulated knowledge accumulated by the mankind century after century...
No wonder for initial thousands of years, these values were not noted down but verabally passed to the generations by making them recite the same in the form of verses...
These are the accumulated experiences which were confirmed and validated for generations after generations and found to be true all the time...
The executing pattern of these values differ from people to people and that is where the discrepancies creep the form of caste and creed etc...that is purely bcoz the five fingers of the hand are not the same, because the conditions in the desert are not the same as the mountains...the rules of the city and the jungle are different and so on...
That doesn't mean that one set of people is good and the other is bad...they are just/simply different!
Hence I guess there is no opposite to GOD
Religion for me is not a rule is an open forum where people have to keep adding there experiences...for a long time now we have been just following the rule book...few people dare to update it as per the current situation...

Brahma-Vishnu and Mahesh, for me these are Gods...(means something correct-right-good)

These are the main values and the eternal truth and for me, the Gods symbolize these values.
Life is all about creating preserving and destroying, unless the earlier is destroyed, new cannot be created ...the cycle goes on and all the three have important roles to play

Worshipping one of these means trying to imbibe the values of one of these...i.e either trying to be a creator, preserver or destroyer...
hence, the one who governs the universe is not someone sitting up there in the skies, but the very elements of the universe(including u and me) which perform one of these 3 important functions...
But that also does not mean the u and me govern the universe...we all...including the living and non living things collectively do it...the factor that governs the universe is 'yog' or 'incidence'...the exact moment when many elements come together to either create, preserve or destroy an element of the universe...hence it is said that we have to wait for 'the' right time...when all the elements are at their exact positions...just as in the solar eclipse...which make the event magical...
Probably because this phenomena explains the true picture so flawlessly, thats why the 'learned' tried to build an aura of fear around it which coud prevent most people from knowing this 'secret'...

Then why pray if there is a problem?
Praying to god will ony help if I pray for the right quality for myself which will help me solve the problem...continuously think about it will help me gain that quality(The Secret by Rhonda attracts like) and hence it will lead to the right steps being taken towards solving the problem...
Prevention is much better than cure...hence if we pray regardless of whether we have any problem or not, we will find ourselves in trouble less frequently!

What is Love...
Love for me is an anxiety, boredom,confusion,guilt,hatred,loneliness, sympathy...probably the opposite of aggression

As with all emotions, we feel that we have control over it, but actually we dont...(no matter how much we control our rage, we end up showing our anger on something or the other or some soft target if nothing else) the only way out is to experience the feeling...for me, it is not the person that we love, but it is the qualities in the person that we adore...and we want those qualities to be with us for the life time...probably this is why they say that true love knows no boundaries and is is an emotion in a totally different plane altogether...
Another theory I have about love is that it is always one sided...there is absolutely no need for it to be two is an emotion after persons own personal has nothing to do whether the other person acknowledges it or not...Drew Barrymore doesn't know me, but that doesn't mean that I can't love her...Here I would clarify that I am not talking about marriages...I am only talking about love...marriage for me is a social contract made between two people or an authenticated...stamped and certified live in relationship...ofcourse love is important in a marriage, but the essential difference is that in marriage there is 'committment' also which may or may not be there in love!

But what is the relation between Love,God and Religion?

For me...
And I would sum it up all as....

God is the final destination...
religion helps us show the path...
and love makes the journey beautiful!

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