Saturday, January 12, 2013

Pending blogs!

Blogging after such a long time! Need to now write a blog on pending blogs!!!
So many events have happened in 2012 - good, bad, ugly. Could not make time to write for those all.
Although I have been voicing my views through other media, feels like it is time to write a few blogs.
Democrats vs Republicans, Inflation, Legends who passed away in 2012, Security of women/Violence against women are some of the topics I have to touch upon if nothing else!

New year 2013 - hopefully should be better. That reminds me of writing blogs about what I would do in future!
Known as the year of comets, 2013 is one of the best years I could have chosen for putting a baby step towards astronomy & star gazing.
2012 saw me buying, learning & driving a car - hoping in December 2013 I will have my binoculars glued to the sky! Atleast the start has been +ve with the visit to Nehru planetarium on Jan 1!!

Not to forget the descriptions of some of the beautiful places I have visited & would be visiting in this year!!

So in all got to do a lot of work!! Hopefully will be able to write a blog per week!!

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