"Inclusion"...this was the word that was hovering all over the Economic times corporate awards nite...with Aamir khan opening his heart out trying to explain this phenomenon (To which surprisingly the most acknowledging nod of the head came from Professor Ram Charan himself!!) I wonder how much did the other audience appreciate!
Nevertheless it was a very 'Rich' event...studded with personas and the who's-who of corporate India and as they say "The people who can make a difference"
Being an event of such stature, it was a given that each and every word said on the dias would be worth listening to...for me it was important because it was backed by immense experience and said by the experts of "current" corporate India.
If I had to make a choice, I would say that the three best speeches for me were by
1) Mr.Nitish Kumar: Reformer of the year
2) Aamir khan: with his theory of "Inclusion"
3) Ofcourse the attration of the event "Professor Ram Charan"
The Reformer:
The 11% growth story of Bihar as said by Mr. Nitish kumar, now projects Bihar on the map of India as India's growth story is projected on the map of the world. This I think was the crux of his speech...I totally agree with him when he says that the country cannot progress with Bihar staying behind...Bihar should only be glad of this achievement and hope that the "pitch" made by Mr.Nitish kumar catches the attention of those who matter...clearly the state has a lot to offer, for me, being a marketing person, every untapped market has the maximum potential for growth...and Bihar definitely is untapped territory by all means!
The Magician:
I always thought Aamir is the Tom Hanks of India and he has only been proving me right! I would also like to call him a magician...from nowhere, he just comes and touches your heart...with his speech he showed today that he is not only a 'fine' and I literally mean 'Fine to the details' actor, but also a great thinker!
He was invited to talk on 'Lateral thinking' given his credulous performances in 'Taare zameen par' and '3 Idiots'...however he chose to talk on 'Inclusion'...which as he again rightly said...is the starting pont of 'Lateral thinking' (And I will show it to you how, in my own 'lateral' way)
It was heartening to hear him say fom the bottom of his heart that he wants the parents of tomorrow not to ask their kids if they won the lemon and spoon race on sports day...topped their maths exam...or won in the tennis match...No...what he wants them to ask is "How many faces smiled because of you today Or whom did you give a helping hand today" things like these which will build up the human quotient first in the "Human being" and then the intelligence quotient...
According to me this is exactly how lateral thinking works!!
Its all about thinking from the heart(I always felt that there is no better symbol of PURITY than the HEART)...then using the intelligence of the brain we have to execute the thinking...thus ensuring that the end destination is pure as the heart and the path followed to achieve it is close to perfection!
what we currently do is exactly opposite...we think with the brain...think profit...think self interest...I want to come first...I want to become rich...but what we forget is the law of the universe!! which was best explained...perhaps best in the history of mankind...in the movie 'AVATAR'...and the law is that 'WE ARE ALL INTERLINKED'
The theory of lateral thinking thus justifies the theory of Inclusion which makes this interlinking bond stronger and allows us to work our way towards the RIGHT direction!
The GURU:Professor Ram Charan
His advice is taken as a final word by major CEO's around the globe including the company which gave birth to a host of strategies and business models-General Electric...It was a pleasure to listen to him live...The crux of his speech for me was "selecting the right person for the right job" (Including the CEO!) It was surprisingto know how even in the worlds biggest economies, the CEO's are wrongly appointed...people with expertise in cost cutting are appointed to bring about major growth...people who have expertise in acquisition are asked to bring Integration in the company...such mishaps are quite common across all levels in the organisation...and often are the root cause of the major concerns of the organisation.
So how do we select the right person??
I feel the answer to this lies in Professor's nod in appreciation of what Aamir had to say...the answer lies somewhere here deep within...lets try to decode it!
To identify who the right person is...one first has to underline what the 'right' thing is...I guess in finding the true answer to what is 'right' the 'heart' is more equipped than the 'brain'... If you let your heart free to imagine (and the heart knows only to think pure and dream good things) only then can it guide you to what your final goal should be...and then the brain should be used merely to execute this decision...usally what we do is think profit, think growth, and end up recruiting the wrong people when we actually need someont to just regulate or build relationship-in other words-to connect the interlink (AVATAR)!
The globe is interlinked...law of the universe..."Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam'...this thought is the basis to understand even the corporte...the people who are buying your products...who are creating the demand for what you are supplying, basically have to be in a sound condition.
Stable at the level of socio-psychological-economic development wherein they can continue creating the demand.
The moment the corporate ignores this fact, temporary setbacks like recession will pull these customers back and bring them lower in the economic 'PYRAMD'...The corporate needs to understand the 'links' and make sure they stay connected...include people in the organisation who think with the same frequency so that they can serve faster and better(Corporate culture)...understand the 'people' who are customers and know their problems, strengthen their base...in turn your own base (remember-interlinked)
I have tried to decode it my way...donno if its right or wrong (but thats what blogs are for-to put forth your views whithot botherin what is right or wrong)...If anyone one of you reading can help further 'strengthen' these links, it would be fun to explore!! nevertheless it was fun to write today's blog neways!
All theories seem to be intelinked...sometimes supporting...sometimes validating...sometimes even negating...but in the end struggling to draw some sense...give some meaning...Afterall these thories are also a part of this universe and have to abide by its law!!
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